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How to make robot hand moving using muscle at your home


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#include <Servo.h>

#define THRESHOLD 150 //In order to determine the state of the hand (opened/closed)

#define EMGPIN 3 //Analog pin connected to Muscle Sensor V3 Board

#define LITTLEPIN 2 //Digital pin used by Little servo

#define RINGPIN 3 //Digital pin used by Ring servo

#define MIDDLEPIN 4 //Digital pin used by Middle servo

#define INDEXPIN 5 //Digital pin used by Index servo

#define THUMBPIN 6 //Digital pin used by Thumb servo

//Constants used to open and close the fingers

#define LITTLE 1

#define RING 2

#define MIDDLE 3

#define INDEX 4

#define THUMB 5

Servo servoLittleFinger; // Define servo fingers

Servo servoRingFinger; // Define servo fingers

Servo servoMiddleFinger; // Define servo fingers

Servo servoIndexFinger; // Define servo fingers

Servo servoThumbFinger; // Define servo fingers

int finger;

// Motion routines for handopen and handclose

void openhand(){for(finger = 1; finger < 6; finger++){openFinger(finger);}}

void closehand(){for(finger = 1; finger < 6 ; finger++){closeFinger(finger);}}

// You have to rewrite properly the functions to open and close the fingers

// according of your assembly

// In my case, middle and index fingers are opened when servo is at 170 degrees and the others when servo is at 0 degrees

// I have used Towardpro MG996R servos

void openFinger(int finger){

  if(finger==LITTLE){servoLittleFinger.write(0);} // Little finger

  else if(finger==RING){servoRingFinger.write(170);}// Ring finger

  else if(finger==MIDDLE){servoMiddleFinger.write(170);}// Middle finger

  else if(finger==INDEX){servoIndexFinger.write(170);}// Index finger

  else if(finger==THUMB){servoThumbFinger.write(0);}//Thumb finger


void closeFinger(int finger){

  if(finger==LITTLE){servoLittleFinger.write(170);} // Little finger

  else if(finger==RING){servoRingFinger.write(0);}// Ring finger

  else if(finger==MIDDLE){servoMiddleFinger.write(0);}// Middle finger

  else if(finger==INDEX){servoIndexFinger.write(0);}// Index finger

  else if(finger==THUMB){servoThumbFinger.write(170);}//Thumb finger


void setup(){


  Serial.begin(115200); //BAUDRATE set to 115200, remember it to set monitor serial properly (used this BaudRate and "NL&CR" option to visualize the values correctly)

  servoLittleFinger.attach(LITTLEPIN); // Set Little finger servo to digital pin 3

  servoRingFinger.attach(RINGPIN); // Set Ring finger servo to digital pin 5

  servoMiddleFinger.attach(MIDDLEPIN); // Set Middle finger servo to digital pin 6

  servoIndexFinger.attach(INDEXPIN); // Set Index finger servo to digital pin 9

  servoThumbFinger.attach(THUMBPIN); // Set Thumb finger servo to digital pin 10

}//end setup

void loop() {// Nothing to do here, all is done in the interrupt function

  int value = analogRead(EMGPIN); //Sampling analog signal

  if(value>THRESHOLD) //If the value of the sample is greater than THRESHOLD means that the hand has been closed


  else //Otherwise the hand is open


  Serial.println(value); //You can use serial monitor to set THRESHOLD properly, comparing the values shown when you open and close your hand


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Nov 08, 2024

bhai jo circuit banaya hai apne uska link ya kuch dikado


Arnav Kumar
Arnav Kumar
Oct 21, 2024

can anyone tell from where we can get the hand material and in what what we have to insert the code please tell and of what the hand is made from where can we buy it


Fornesu 26
Fornesu 26
Oct 16, 2024

Could you share the 3D models of the hand with me, or if you want, could you sell it to me? bro please


Bhosadike, connections toh theek se dikhana.


========================================================================= =========================== FAKE INFORMATION ========================== ========================================================================= You have provided with the fake information, in video you used the ECG module but

in the schematic and also in the code you provide the information of EMG sensor =========================================================================

=========================== FAKE INFORMATION ==========================


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