Hello my name is Kanti Sharma (Robotics Kanti), founder of jayneIT Electronics Manufacturer Company. I am an electronics engineer. My social media name is Robotics Kanti, YouTube has become more popular in all social media. I have done a lot of testing in electronics, in all the tests, some have pass some tests and some have been fail. I have given all the tests on YouTube, if you want to see people then you can go to my YouTube channel and watch. I have one YouTube channel and one Facebook pages, the name of the channel is "Robotics Kanti". Whatever I explain above the electronics, I explain everything in a very easy way. Many people feel that my way of explaining is wrong, but whatever I explain in easy language, It is not like books. And I give my own blogs on this website, together with this website you can learn a lot about electronics in an easy way. In a very easy way ! See If you click on the name of the electronics written above, you will reach inside the website of electronics, on which we have explained in different languages about all the components and circuits of electronics. You can see three languages on it which are English, Bengali and Hindi. Through which you will get to know all the ips of electronics . And if you need to
now omething separately, you can follow me on my social media, whose link I have given in the side, you will click on it, then you will reach my social media and there will be problems on your own electronics. Can tell and if you want to mail then you can mail me at this mail id kantirobot@gmail.com . The era or the century we are living in now is undoubtedly called the era of electronics or the century. As the pace of progress is accelerating faster than the speed of this century, this is the electronics. In the wake of his work, electronics have kept us on the path to progress so that we have to seek the help of this electronics giant, either directly or indirectly, from sleeping in the morning to resting at night. That is, the situation is such that electronics are never going to let us forget about its presence . Almost every one of us has heard of the name of

electronics, our absolute best friend. But what about electronics? Or we have the right idea about it. The term electronics is derived from the word 'electron'. Electrons are present in all substances. The science related to this electron is called 'electronics'. And to say in a little more detail - the branch of science that deals with the flow of electrons through a vacuum, gas or semiconductor is called electronics. Previously, this branch of science was regarded as a part of physics and electric technical education. But it has been given the status of a pioneer branch of science as the north is gaining momentum. If you keep learning electronics, it will never end, you can learn as much as you want, I am also learning and learning more. If you want to know more details, you can go to the electronics site of this website. Click on the electronics above, then you can learn in different languages. . And if you need to know anything or if you want to write something on the comment, you can write on my block channel or you can message me on my social media any social media, I will reply to you when I'll be free, so let's learn something, know electronics, thanks. Thanks for listening.............!


My name is Kanti Sharma. Nick Name is Robotics Kanti. I'm just a simple man who loves electronics. I live in India and I've studied electronic engineering on ITI. Robotics Kani all started as a simple YouTube, Facebook, Instagram account where I was posting all my daily projects and homework. I soon started working on this webpage where I’m currently posting new tutorials every day. As you can see, there is a bit of everything. Electronics with Arduino, basic circuits, robotics, 3D printing and so on.
I hope that you will enjoy my webpage and everything that I do. You can check my Patreon page and help my projects. Robotics Kanti. Thank you very much!